Strategies for successful exam preparation. IELTS
Are you planning to take the IELTS exam and don't know where to start? Let's figure it out together! ⠀
Preparing for language exams requires a systematic approach, strategy and tactics. And the importance of the first steps cannot be overestimated. ⠀
IELTS exam module. There are two modules, IELTS General & IELTS Academic, the choice between which depends on what your goal is. Going to university, take IELTS Academic, migration considerations or employment abroad, take IELTS General. ⠀
Required score. The total score consists of four parts: Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing. Before you begin, you should find out the minimum total score and requirements for each part (if any) from the institution where you plan to submit your certificate. ⠀
English proficiency level. When preparing for IELTS, you should consider your general level of language proficiency. For example, if you need a score of 6-6.5, you should have B2/B2+, if 7-7.5 - C1. You cannot get the desired result only by doing practice tests without analyzing your errors and improving the level. ⠀
Exam format. Learn in detail about the types of tasks, the allocated time for each part, and successful strategies for completing the tasks. ⠀
Work on mistakes. One of the conditions for successful preparation is regular completion of tests and a detailed analysis of errors and their nature (incomprehensible format, lack of vocabulary on a certain topic, not completing the tasks within the allocated time, etc.) with a subsequent action plan aimed at correcting them.
Read also: English for Specific Purposes
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